Page 3 - Reviews - Swanson, Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf, Full Spectrum, 400 mg, 100 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Nov 4, 2023
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

I have been diagnosed with prediabetes, and my doctor advised me to lose weight and lower my blood sugar levels. I was looking for a natural supplement that could help me with these goals, and I came across Full Spectrum Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf from Swanson. I decided to give it a try, and I am glad I did. Gymnema sylvestre is a plant that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is known as the “sugar destroyer” because it can suppress the taste of sugar and block the absorption of sugar and fat in the body. This can help reduce the cravings for sweets and carbs, and improve the glucose metabolism. I have been taking one capsule of Full Spectrum Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf before each meal for the past two months, and I have noticed a significant difference in my blood sugar levels and appetite. My fasting blood sugar has dropped from 120 mg/dL to 90 mg/dL, and my postprandial blood sugar has also decreased from 180 mg/dL to 140 mg/dL. I feel less hungry and more satisfied after eating, and I have reduced my intake of sugar and refined carbs. I have also lost 10 pounds in two months, and I feel more energetic and healthy. Full Spectrum Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf has been a great addition to my diet and lifestyle changes, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to control their blood sugar and cravings naturally. It is affordable, effective, and safe, and it has no side effects or interactions with other medications. It is one of the best supplements I have ever tried, and I am very happy with the results.