Page 3 - Reviews - California Gold Nutrition, Foods, Organic Cumin, 2.64 oz (74 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Feb 29, 2024
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California Gold Nutrition's FOODS - Organic Cumin offers a versatile and aromatic spice that is widely used in culinary applications. Here's an overview of this product: 1. **Organic Cumin**: Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is a spice made from the dried seeds of the cumin plant. It has a warm, earthy flavor with a slightly bitter undertone and is commonly used in various cuisines worldwide, including Indian, Middle Eastern, Mexican, and Mediterranean. 2. **2.64 oz (74 g) Packaging**: Each container holds 2.64 ounces (74 grams) of organic cumin. This quantity is suitable for home cooks and provides enough spice for multiple uses in a variety of recipes. 3. **Certified Organic**: The cumin used in this product is certified organic, indicating that it is cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Organic certification ensures a higher standard of purity and quality. 4. **Versatile Spice**: Organic cumin is a staple ingredient in spice blends such as curry powder, garam masala, and taco seasoning. It can also be used as a standalone spice to season meats, vegetables, rice, soups, stews, and legumes. 5. **Distinctive Flavor**: Cumin adds a distinctive flavor and aroma to dishes, characterized by its warm, slightly nutty taste. It pairs well with other spices such as coriander, cinnamon, chili powder, and turmeric. 6. **Culinary Uses**: Use organic cumin to flavor meat and vegetable dishes, including curries, chili con carne, roasted vegetables, soups, and lentil dishes. It can also be toasted lightly to enhance its flavor before use. 7. **Health Benefits**: Cumin is not only valued for its culinary properties but also for its potential health benefits. It contains antioxidants and compounds that may have anti-inflammatory and digestive health-promoting properties. 8. **Quality Assurance**: California Gold Nutrition ensures that its organic cumin is of high quality, freshness, and potency. The seeds are carefully sourced, processed, and packaged to preserve their flavor and nutritional value. 9. **Storage**: Store organic cumin in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its flavor and aroma. Proper storage helps prevent moisture absorption and prolongs shelf life. 10. **Allergen Information**: This product may contain traces of tree nuts (coconut). Overall, California Gold Nutrition's Organic Cumin provides a convenient way to incorporate the authentic taste of this beloved spice into your cooking. Whether used in traditional recipes or creative culinary creations, organic cumin adds depth of flavor and complexity to dishes, enhancing their overall appeal.